Moldovan Paid Toll Tunnels
Vignette for Tunnels in Moldova
Check if you need a valid Moldovan vignette to drive through toll tunnels.
About Moldova vignette for tunnels
There is no Moldova vignette for tunnels. Nevertheless, you may need a vignette for Moldova, as the official Moldovan vignette is required on all national toll roads. All international drivers, including owners of vehicles registered outside Moldova, are subject to the vignette obligation.
If you plan to drive in Moldova, you will need to obtain a digital vignette. The Moldovan vignette is mandatory for all passenger cars, trailers, trucks, and buses. Only motorcycles can drive in Moldova vignette-free.
Depending on the duration of your travel in Moldova, you can purchase different Moldovan vignettes, including short-term vignettes for 7, 15, or 30 days, as well as long-term vignettes for 90, 180, or even more than 180 days. Remember to choose the type that best covers your driving plans in Moldova.
Moldova, following other European countries, introduced the e-vignette system in 2012. Since then, drivers can purchase a Moldova vignette online without thinking about finding the nearest vignette sales point after crossing the Moldovan border.
Purchasing a Moldova digital vignette is recommended before your journey starts. Go to the online form, provide all required details of your vehicle, and make sure that all details are entered correctly. Next, cover the vignette fee and receive the vignette confirmation delivered straight to your email address.
Although no tunnels require a vignette in Moldova, you shouldn’t risk financial penalties for using the toll roads in Moldova. The fines for driving without a valid vignette in Moldova depend on the number of days traveled without a vignette.
Please also note that Moldova is not a member of the European Union. Because of that, the possibility of being controlled by the police patrol is very high. Don’t risk getting a fine and obtain a Moldova vignette online.
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